Hjördís Halldórsdóttir
Attorney at Law, Partner - Reykjavík
Supreme Court Attorney Hjördís Halldórsdóttir holds an LL.M. degree in law and information technology law from Stockholm University. She is among the country’s leading experts in the fields of intellectual property and information technology law. Her other areas of expertise are law of obligations, including financial services, litigation, construction law, public procurement and energy law. For years, Hjördís has lectured on topics such as information technology, real estate and general trade and consumer law at the University of Iceland, Faculty of Law, Reykjavik University, Faculty of Law, the Open University the Continuing Educating Centre at the University of Iceland. She has also held numerous seminars and lectures for companies and institutions related to data protection and information technology. Furthermore, she has been a lecturer for the Bar Admission Exam since 2008. Hjördís is chairman of the Icelandic Copyright Association, is a member of the Icelandic Copyright Committee, a board member of the Icelandic Lawyers Association and is appointed by the Minister of Justice as an alternate member in a committee that determines the qualifications of candidates for the positions of court judges. Hjördís has extensive real-world business experience and has been on the board of several companies such as Reginn ehf., Eignarhaldsfélagið Smáralind ehf. and Fasteignafélag Íslands ehf. In 2007-2008 she was the secretary of the Icelandic Bar Association and in 2008-2009 she was vice chairman of the Board of the Icelandic Bar Association. Hjördís joined LOGOS in 2000 and became a partner in 2006.
- LOGOS Legal Services, 2000-
- Aðalsteinsson & Parners, 1999
- Ministry of Agriculture, 1998-1999
- Supreme Court Attorney, 2012
- Stockholms Universitet, LL.M. Law and Information Technology Law, 2003
- District Court Attorney, 1999
- University of Iceland, cand. jur., 1998
- Icelandic jurisprudence. NIR, Nordiskt Immateriellt Rättsskydd, årgång 88, häfte 3, 2019 (Judgment of the Supreme Court of Iceland, dated 18 October 2018, in Case No. 329/2017, Sýn hf. vs. Síminn hf.)
- Icelandic Judgments from May 2015 to August 2017 concerning copyright law. NIR, Nordiskt Immateriellt Rättsskydd, årgång 88, häfte 2, 2019
- Freedom of Expression and Protection of the Private Life. Anniversary edition from the Icelandic Data Protection Authority. Reykjavík. 2007
- Enforcement of Copyright. Scandinavian Studies in Law Vol. 47. Peter Wahlgren (Ed.). Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law. Stockholm. 2004. (Compulsory Reading, LL.M. in Law and Information Technology, Stockholm University)
- Overview of New and Changed Remedies in Case of Breach of Contract (translation of original title). Researches in Social Sciences IV. Faculty of Law. Vidar Mar Matthiasson (Ed.). University of Iceland Press. Reykjavik. 2003
- Employees’ E-Mail and Privacy (translation of original title). Lögberg, Journal of the Institute of Law. Stefan Mar Stefansson (Ed.) and Vidar Mar Matthiasson (Ed.). University of Iceland Press. Reykjavik. 2003. (Reviewed)
- Chambers Global"Hjördís is a highly regarded lawyer who enters the rankings after receiving impressive plaudits for her dispute resolution practice. She is particularly highlighted for her expertise in construction law."